Prior to a medical procedure, you may be advised by your practitioner to lose a few/many kilos in a short period of time to increase the success rate of your surgery. For you, this means that you will have to temporarily change your eating habits drastically during this period. The so-called hospital diet is a form of diet that contains significantly fewer calories than a normal diet. The aim of a hospital diet is to lose as many kilos of fat as possible in as short a time as possible. By following a hospital diet, you can lose as much as several kilos of body weight per week.
If you want to lose weight in a short period of time, it is important to greatly reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. Carbohydrates is an umbrella term for all types of starches and sugars. You can find carbohydrates, for example, in bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, legumes, sugary drinks (syrup, soft drinks and fruit juice), fruit (including dried fruit), biscuits and sweets. When following a hospital diet, it is important to consume very limited products rich in sugar or starch.
As the body is offered few carbohydrates, the reserves of carbohydrates stored in the liver, also known as glycogen stores, are consumed. This reduces the glycogen stores in the liver, causing the liver to shrink. In this process, the body switches to burning fats faster, drawing on fat reserves. As a result, fat reserves around the organs will also shrink somewhat.
Besides reducing carbohydrates in the diet, it is important to watch the fats in the diet. Therefore, avoid fat and high-fat foods in your diet as much as possible. However, it is important to use oil and cooking fat when preparing meals. This is important because these products contain fat-soluble vitamins that are essential for the body.
Elan Whey Protein shake
To supplement the hospital diet, you can use protein powder. For this you can also visit Elan, the range includes the Elan Whey Protein shake in vanilla flavour. It is recommended to take your protein powder in a shake, you can use a shake cup which is also available at Elan online. To take enough protein, you can choose 1 of the options below:
For optimal results, mix the liquid with the powder in a shake cup or a blender.
Do not use a shake more than once a day as described in the options above.